UPCOMING: Girls and women, interested in joining a beginners’ running team?

Hello to the girls and women of Ramallah!

We would like to organize a running group for girls and women from Ramallah and surrounding areas. You don’t need any experience, just a pair of sports shoes and a desire to do something good for yourself.

We are planning to meet twice a week for an hour. One day in the morning, one day in the evening, when the weather is cooler and the air cleaner – but we are flexible to adjust to the schedule suitable for the most of the group.

We run for fun! The aim of the trainings is to do something good for your body and mind in a good company. Our goal is to participate in a 10 km event of Palestine marathon in Betlehem in April (running or walking).

If you are interested in joining us, please register here! (This page is available on the web!)

The sessions will be organized by Maja and Ana, our volunteers from Slovenia.

Our introductory session will be on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23st, at 7PM at the PALESTINE GIRLS’ TECHNICAL COLLEGE in al Masyoon.

Bring a pair of sports shoes and a bottle of water! We will get to know each other with a few easy exercises and talk about our schedule for the following weeks. See you!