Various Sports Workouts: LIVE Sessions

For the sports aspect, Palestine: Sports for Life partnered with Football United and Creating Chances from Australia. Their experienced and well known sports athletes hosted live sessions on different fitness workouts and sports drills, such as: football, basketball, and rugby drills, as well as general and martial art fitness. 
Palestinian based sports experts also hosted live Webinars, such as kickboxing with Jihan Sharbeeni, Aerobics with Marwa Taqaz and Rana Khawaldeh, Introductory Athletics with Diya Breiki, and Tabata and circuit training with Jordanian expert trainer Rada Jaser. Personal Trainer, Saif Ayyad also hosted a Tabata session and Diab Masri from the Gaza Strip hosted live sessions on general fitness. Coach Diab Masri collected his student from elementary to high school to participate in a general fitness session, click here to check it out:
Sports quizzes were posted on Palestine: Sports for Life Facebook page, to test the audiences knowledge on famous athletes and sports events. Check out these general sports quiz, lets see how well you know your sport facts:
Quiz #1:
Quiz #2: 
My Health My Wellbeing album, includes facts in nutrition and sports, schedules, and short biographies of the nutrition and sports experts hosted in the live webinars, you can check it out here: