International Report with PS4L on Sports for Development & Peace

Palestine: Sports for Life (PS4L) was featured in an international report, called "April 2020, Peace and Sport". The organization Peace and Sport launched a #WhiteCard digital campaign to raise awareness on the potential of sport in bringing positive social change. April 6th is the devoted day in raising a white card for the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, to highlight the positive power of sports. Different organizations and professional athletes participated in raising a white card to celebrate the symbolic day and support the growth of sport for development and peace movement. Holding a white card legitimizes and demonstrates that sport is a cost-effective tool to create more peaceful and equal societies.

PS4L's initiative to keep people at home while staying active and connected was recognized in the international report. PS4L's online challenge promoted physical activity by using a football or any other available ball at home: the challenge included participants filming themselves doing an initial move at home, then challenging a friend or family member to do the same exercise while adding another exercise.  This gave participants a chance to create, connect and encourage each other during the COVID-19 pandemic. PS4L will continue to support Peace and Sport in it's global objective in highlighting the positive power of sports.

Check out the report published by Peace and Sports: April 6th International Report #WhiteCard

April 2020 #WhiteCardRaising a White Card