Maysoon Nakleh Implementing CAC Training

PS4L sports and life skills trainer, Maysoon Nakleh, continues to teach 6th and 7th grade girls life skills. Maysoon Nakleh is a candidate in the Coaches Across Continents (CAC) accredited trainers program in purpsoseful play. This accredited program is the first of it's kind in Palestine that is developed to equip sports educators with innitiating education outside the classroom, impacting the United Nations goals for sustainable development and safe-guarding child rights through purposeful play methodologies. This program is presented by Charlie Crawford from Coaches Across Continents (CAC) and Tamara Awartani, the director and co-founder of the NGO PS4L, and supported by Catalyst Foundation for Universal Education. 
As the accredited program continues, Maysoon Nakleh implements what she has learned outside of the normal classroom setting to influence young girls through online sessions. Maysoon teaches her students their right as children in creative ways by challenging them to think outside the box and ask questions. Her students love her lessons and we are proud of Maysoon's efforts in developing the students outside classroom settings. 
"My experience has been great! I’ve learned so much from this program; I was able to connect more with the girls I’m teaching and I was able to change their lives. It’s great to feel that I’m making a change especially with this generation where everything has become so complicated with the pandemic. I felt that the girls were very much in need of something outside the classroom. I am teaching them their rights as children in a very creative way. The girls are always excited and ask for more days since they recognized that my classes gave them the chance to think outside the box. I’ve benefited so much from this program, since I can now create my own games and relay a message to the students."  - Maysoon Nakleh