PS4L Member Joins YAP
In 2021, PS4L Program Coordinator Kiyan Ashraf was selected to be a member within the newly formed Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) in Palestine. This is the first youth-focused panel in Palestine supported by the European Union, United Nations, and Representative Office of Denmark. There are 19 members in total who are all representing different regions in Palestine, 9 of which are from Gaza. Each member has a background in developing or implementing community initiatives and are experienced in specific fields, such as child rights, journalism, community health, digital security, and inclusion for person's with disability.
YAP members will be representing youth during decision- and policy-making events, and will be consulted by public and private agencies in areas focused on youth. Kiyan Ashraf, representing PS4L, has a nutrition and health background which will allow her to bring a health and wellness perspective while targeting the needs of Palestinian youth.
During the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, Kiyan participated in multiple meetings with donor institutes to discuss 2022-2030 strategic goals and plans for youth. During the coming months, Kiyan along with the other members of YAP will have over 10 trainings on the Palestinian identity, diplomacy, digital security, and political effects in Palestine to advance and equip members with a well-rounded knowledge on the issues in different districts in Palestine. Although YAP has begun developing initiatives and are being consulted by partner organizations, the official launch day for YAP will be in May 2022. An exciting group of youth with PS4L Kiyan in using their experience to highlight youth concerns and develop innovative projects within marginalized communities.