PS4L in Chalkida for Skills4Sports Project
On June 6th, Palestine Sports for Life (PS4L) representatives Sameh Masri, Yumon Masri, and Suad Alqam attended a Skills4Sports curricula development meeting at Chalkida, Greece. This meeting was held in order to develop the Skills4Sports curricula. Topics covered included sports leadership and management, sports communication and media, sports marketing, sports ethics, and the approaches for connecting with NEETs (youth not in education, employment or training).
On the first day of the Skills4Sports meeting, sports leadership skills and new technologies such as ICT and eSports were discussed. PS4L trainers Sameh, Yumon, and Suad directed a team-building activity between the discussions to build more connectivity between partnering organizations. On the second day, ‘Introduction to Sports Management and Sports Economy’ and ‘Sports Digital Marketing and Communication’ were presented to build the background of attending representatives.
So far, PS4L has analyzed the gaps in the sports sector in Palestine and has formed an association across the sports sectors in Palestine - the Strategic Alliance. This following step, developing targeted curricula, is integral in launching the trainings in Palestine later this year and in neighboring Mediterranean countries. At the end of these meetings, PS4L and partner organizations formed 9 specialized training programs with unique curriculum aimed towards addressing the gaps found in the sports sector, increasing NEET employability, and in creating quality employment.