Skills4Sport -Strategic Alliance in Spain

INDESCAT, the Spanish partner of Skills4Sports, carried out a meeting ​​​​from the 15th to 17th March 2023 in which all partners of Skills4Sports project (Greece, Palestine, Lebanon, Italy and Malta) attended. PS4L was represented by one team member and two from the Strategic Alliance, Buthour organization Dr. Bashar, and  UNRWA Chief of Education Mr. Muawia Amar.

The event started off with an inspiring keynote speech by Núria Picas, a renowned Catalan mountain runner and trail runner, who shared her personal experience and challenges in her sports career. She recounted her injury on Montserrat Mountain, where her left ankle was broken, and she was told she would never run again. Núria's story of overcoming adversity through training, motivation, and mental work was an inspiration to all in attendance. She emphasized the importance of recovery and how losing can be more important than winning because it gives you space to rethink and grow. Her words left a lasting impression on the attendees.

Following Núria's keynote, a representative from a company in the sports industry shared the keys to retaining talent and the most valued skills in the sector. The presentation was informative and provided valuable insights into the industry's recruitment and retention practices. The event also included a B2B session, where participants had the opportunity to connect with agents from the world of sports from different countries.

The event also featured a coach who presented his experience in sports decathlon and discussed developing employees' skills. The coach emphasized the importance of coalition with other companies in the industry to provide a broader perspective and shared resources.

The event concluded with the last session of the course on "Management of events in the sports sector," organized by INDESCAT and the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences Blanquerna (Universitat Ramon Llull) to address the skills gap in the sports sector and improve the employment of young people who are Not in Employment, Education and Training (NEET)s.

The Strategic Alliance Meeting was a success, providing valuable insights and opportunities for attendees to connect and collaborate with industry leaders from around the world. The event demonstrated the importance of sharing knowledge and resources to advance the sports industry.