"Kick for Trade" Training of Trainers: Enriching Youth with Life Skills and Entrepreneurship


Training courses that combine sports with personal development are among the most important means to develop youth skills and empower them in various life domains.As part of Khutwa program together with Frieda, PS4L continuously builds the capacity of 14  trainers and young leaders  of the four  safe spaces to serve over 150 girls and mothers in three districts in Palestine, which are Bethlehem, East Jerusalem and Tulkarem. In March, a training of trainers in the “Kick for Trade” curriculum was  led by PS4L distinguished instructors: Yumon Masri and Suad Alqam to serve these communities in career readiness and pathway development.

The course is designed to empower the trainers to help youth develop their skills in professional life and entrepreneurship, and use interactive activities and football as an educational tool. The course lasted for five days, delivering interactive sessions. It included various exercises and activities to enhance participant interaction and motivate them to learn skills effectively.

One of the main aspects of the course was providing participants with 11 essential life skills to help them succeed in their careers, along with 11 entrepreneurial life skills. This was achieved through specialized sessions in critical and creative thinking, communication skills, problem-solving, as well as self-awareness and resilience.

The "Kick for Trade" course reflects the creative and interactive spirit in delivering training programs, highlighting the importance of integrating sports into education to maximize benefits for youth and help them succeed in their professional and personal lives.

 The "Kick for Trade" course remains a model to be emulated in this regard, paving the way for success and excellence for the participating youth.


Testimonials :

Yathreb Salameh, Football Life Skills coach - Tulkarem

"I learned from this training the  purposes of how to develop project management skills, among other topics such as self-confidence, adaptability, teamwork, etc. These are important aspects in our professional lives and in our society.Thus, What distinguishes it from other training sessions is that there are matches where we apply and  use football as a tool to implement these topics."  


 Yumon, Football Life Skills coach - Tulkarm

For me, the skills that were given from the Kick a Ball Business Curriculum are basic and important skills in the field of career orientation or in the field of entrepreneurship, and these skills, from my point of view, are the basis of the success of any person in his job or in his own business.