PS4L Celebrates 2023 Achievements in 'Safe Space' KHUTWA Program

Palestine for Life (PS4L) celebrated the remarkable achievements of teachers who participated in the 'Safe Space' KHUTWA program in the West Bank throughout 2023. The event, held in  West Bank, May 27 was a tribute to the dedication and hard work of educators committed to fostering a positive and safe learning environment for students.

The 3-hour event was marked by inspiring speeches from key figures in the education and community sectors. Muawiya Imir, Chief of the Education Program -UNRWA, emphasized the importance of such initiatives in empowering teachers and students alike. Ibrahim Dahleh, Director of Education in Central West Bank-UNRWA, highlighted the challenges faced by educators in the region and praised their resilience. Bashar Rawajbeh, a management member of PS4L, shared insights into the organization's mission, while Maysoun Nakhleh, the Project Manager at PS4L, detailed the impact , successes and future plans for the program. Suad Alqam, a Life Skills Coach for PS4L, and Dana Ahmad, Media Coordinator, also participate in the event.

A significant part of the event was dedicated to honoring the teachers who made notable contributions to the program during the 2022/2023 academic year. Initially, 48 teachers were expected to receive certificates of achievement; however, due to the restrictive checkpoints imposed by the occupation and poor road conditions, only 14 teachers were able to attend. Despite these challenges, the commitment and dedication of these educators were celebrated with great enthusiasm.

The event also featured a comprehensive presentation on the achievements of the 'Safe Spaces' program in 2023. The presentation highlighted key milestones and the positive impact the program has had on students and teachers. Additionally, the future plans for the project were outlined, focusing on expanding the reach and effectiveness of the Safe Space programs.

Notably, the graduation ceremony was not limited to the Training of Trainers (TOT) program but also celebrated teachers who completed the 'Safe Play' with UEFA' course. This aspect of the program aims to integrate sports and play into the educational framework, promoting a holistic approach to student well-being and development.

Despite the logistical challenges posed by the occupation, the event was a resounding success, underscoring the resilience and determination of the West Bank's educational community. PS4L remains committed to supporting these educators and continuing to provide opportunities for professional and personal growth.