Empowering Through Education: Yathreb and Malak's Inspiring Path

Yathreb, at the age of 20, hails from Tulkarem city. She is a student at the Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, where she is studying Physical Education. Her choice of major reflects her dedication to sports and her desire to contribute to the field. It's evident that her journey from being a member of the girls' football team to becoming a coach and pursuing a degree in Physical Education showcases her unwavering passion for sports and her commitment to making a positive impact in this domain.

Malak, also at the age of 20, comes from the Tulkarem refugee camp. Like Yathreb, she is a student at the Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, but her focus is on Interior Design. This choice demonstrates her creative talents and her aspiration to excel in the world of design and aesthetics. Her journey from the refugee camp to pursuing higher education in a field as dynamic as interior design is a testament to her resilience and determination.

Yathreb and Malak's journey with Sports for Life is truly inspiring. They started as part of the girls' football team for the PS4L community program in Tulkarem, Malak in 2017 and Yathreb in 2019, showcasing their passion for sports early on. As time passed, their dedication and hard work propelled them into coaching roles, demonstrating not only their love for the game but also their leadership abilities.

Their commitment to personal and professional growth led them to take part in two Training of Trainers (ToT) programs in sports and social inclusion and gender equity led by PS4L instructor Yumon Masri. This initiative not only enhanced their skills but also equipped them to mentor others, fostering inclusivity and diversity in sports.

As Yathreb and Malak continued to excel, they were entrusted with leading their own initiatives within Sports for Life. Their innovative ideas and determination undoubtedly contributed to the organization's continued success.

The pinnacle of their journey came when they were given the remarkable opportunity to participate in Festival23 in Australia. This international event must have been a significant milestone in their careers, offering a platform to showcase their expertise and network with like-minded individuals from around the world.

Yathreb and Malak's willingness to share their experiences and insights with their Sports for Life family demonstrates their commitment to mentorship and community building. They are shining examples of what can be achieved through dedication, passion, and continuous learning. Their story serves as an inspiration to others, showing that with hard work and perseverance, one can achieve great success in the world of sports and beyond.


Here is what Yathreb and Malak have to say about their experience: 

"I benefited from my trip to Australia by learning about how women can hold positions of influence within sports teams. I discovered that it's essential for women to be in these positions and that having supportive men in such roles is also crucial. The presence of women in sports is an investment that benefits organizations and countries as a whole. Sometimes, there is opposition and resistance to women in high-ranking positions. In such cases, we need to find supportive individuals and replace those in power who resist women's empowerment. The decision-making power should be in the hands of women. Women often face various challenges in their societies when they choose to play sports, and each community has its unique obstacles. Financial support is crucial for organizations that focus on sports, and the system needs to change starting from governments and individuals. Change will then follow within society.I firmly believe that football has the potential to bring about societal change by promoting gender equality and peace. It brings people together, including youth, and organizations play a significant role in driving this change. One should be humble yet strong when expressing their views within their organizations to make a difference in their communities." - Yathreb Salama

"My participation in the International Coach Festival in Australia was an incredibly rewarding experience. I learned so many valuable things during this event. First and foremost, I had the chance to meet people from diverse backgrounds, and I formed strong relationships with them. Each day, we attended various workshops and seminars, where we learned important life lessons. These sessions taught us how to advocate for women's rights and how to convey to the world that women are capable. We also learned how to interact with individuals with disabilities and how to support them in achieving their goals and dreams, as every person has a dream, whether they have special needs or not. Additionally, we explored ways to create a safe space for people with disabilities, where they can pursue their passions without feeling disadvantaged. It was a powerful experience because it emphasized the importance of inclusivity and understanding in our society." -Malak Hajbi